また翌日も 日和(ひより)の風や 百日紅(さるすべり)
碩水 |
川を境(さかい)に 蚊(か)のおらぬ庭
Once again the next day, a gentle breeze passes by the Crape Myrtle;
Across the river lies a mosquito-free garden.
格壷 |
からうすの 上がり具合も よくなりて
卓丈 |
The Karausu sounds well-pounding;
Spending alone, scolding mischievous children.
| 水
(碩水) |
敷きならす 呉座(ござ)につやつや 朝の月
露(つゆ)をかぶりて 逃ぐる野鼠(のネズミ)
While the mat is being spread out, the morning moon shines brightly;
The field mice run away in the dew.
(卓丈) |
何処(どこ)へでも 糞(ふん)して鳩(はと)の 嫌わるる
| 壷 |
Pigeons are disliked because they leave droppings everywhere;
We still cannot see the first snowflakes even though the month has changed.
*(別の読み方 : あとげつ)
| 丈 |
自慢して 掛(か)けにうりゆく なま鯨(くじら)
| 水 |
(改 頁) |
掃(は)かせる間(あいだ) 皆(みな)が坐(ざ)をたつ
Bragging about his new whale meat, he is on his way to sell it for credit;
While the room was being swept, everyone stood up
so as not to get in the way.
壷 |
火にあぶる 手習草紙(てならいぞうし) わるくさき .
丈 |
うるさく散らぬ 栗の花かな
Thought of burning the calligraphy workbook, but tore it badly;
Chestnut flowers bloom poorly and linger.
水 |
湖(うみ)へだつ 山のあなたの 月涼(すず)し
壷 |
折(おり)もよく来て 受(う)くる十念(じゅうねん)
Tranquilly clear is the moon over the mountain separating the lake;
Timely arrival to receive the ten recitations.
丈 |
後添(のちぞい)の ことともさせぬ 大家内(*おおがない)
*=おおやない |
水 |
うかればなしの くどい櫛売(くしうり)
The second wife spends a quiet life in the large mansion with a big family;
The traveling comb seller relentlessly spreads gossip.
壷 |
やくそくの 灸(きゅう)おろすも のびのびに
丈 |
ぬくいも当(あて)に まだならぬ空
The promise to apply moxa remains unfulfilled,
The warmth of spring is still uncertain.
水 |
土手筋(どてすじ)は 少(すこ)しの花も めだつなり
壷 |
遣(つか)いあまりの 山葵(わさび)いけおく
Along the embankment, a few flowers catch the eye;
In a vase, the leftover wasabi from what was shared as a gift
is arranged.
丈 |
(改 頁) |
いつ出るも 家来(けらい)がわりの 小角力取(こずもぅとり)
水 |
社地も厭(いと)わず 捨(す)つる履物(はきもの)
The little sumo wrestler, always serving like a retainer;
They discard their shoes (and attire) without hesitation
even on sacred shrine grounds.
壷 |
水あれの あとの調理の 長引いて
丈 |
うまい醤油(しょうゆ)を 遣(つか)う 郷宿(ごうやど)
After hands are roughened from working with water, cooking takes time;
The rustic inn, which acts as an intermediary for court cases,
now uses the finest quality soy sauce.
水 |
積(つ)みてある 嫁の蒲団(ふとん)の 嵩(かさ)厚(あつ)き
壷 |
昼(ひる)も諸生(しょせい)の 来てはなまめく
The bride’s futons are piled high;
During the day, young monks and disciples visit,
bringing a lively atmosphere.
丈 |
水 |
ちいさい鮭(しゃけ)に 破(やぶ)られし網(あみ)
The rice market, once bustling,
now feels empty after the moon-viewing season;
A small salmon tore through the net.
壷 |
( 改 頁) |
丈 |
旅(たび)か薬(くすり)か まめになりけり
Giving old clothes to a begging nun as the weather turned colder;
The journey brought blisters to the feet, but also made the body healthier.
水 |
名(な)ある花 いつしか若い 木に替(か)わり
壷 |
鳶(とび)が謡(うた)って 荒らす家(や)の棟(むね)
A renowned flower has quietly transformed into a young tree;
Rumors spread as kites sing freely atop the roof,
troubling the house's owner.
丈 |
誘いあう 粟津祭(あわずまつり)の 夕参(ゆうまい)り
水 |
絹(きぬ)け纏(まと)えば 劣(おとる)る風俗(ふうぞく)
Inviting each other to the Awazu Festival at night;
Wearing a silk kimono is as unseemly as the flag-bearer
for the fire brigade without vigor.
壷 |
丈 |
二度と言わせず 取(と)りてやる質(しち)
The terms were accepted without showing any knowledge of tea;
The collateral was received and the money was provided before asked twice.
水 |