ほととぎす あとで試(こころ)む 戸のはしり A nightingale singing, I put off fixing the door's slide and listened. |
趣翠 |
材木をけふも曳(ひ)きだす茂(しげ)りかな Timber is still being cut from the rich woods, today as usual. |
林坡 |
五月雨(さみだれ)の磯(いそ)に絶(たえ)なき藻屑(もくず)かな) The rainy season in early summer, seaweed fragments are constantly washed up on the shore. |
霞朗 |
かたまりていやしからざる蛍(ほたる)かな The sight of fireflies swarming is truly graceful. |
請由 |
遠くゆく人とは見えずけしの花 The poppy flowers season,I thought the person did not look like someone leaving far away. |
五桑 |
葉のゆれにはつ花(はな)見けり杜若(かきつばた) Among the leaves I spotted the first iris flowers of the year. |
晴紅 |
若竹(わかたけ)に鳴(な)くや雀(すずめ)もことしの子 The sparrows chirping on the newly sprouted young bamboo are also born this year. | 可由 |
遣(や)り水(みず)に影ひき延(の)ばすのぼり哉(かな) The flags are reflected in Yarimizu (*the narrow stream of the Japanese traditional garden) and look swimming gracefully in there. |
江波 |
日(ひ)はもはや落(お)ちて牡丹(ぼたん)のさかり哉(かな) The sun has already set and the peonies are in full bloom. |
佳波 |
帆(ほ)をあげる音(おと)心地(ここち)よしはつ袷(あわせ) Hearing the pleasant sounds of raising the sails, I changed from my winter kimono into a lined one. |
淇嵐 |
みじか夜(よ)やよんべの雲の残る空 The short summer night, the cloud from night's sky still remains at dawn. |
哥閭女 |
はつ瓜(うり)や文(ふみ)は添(そ)はねど親(おや)の無事(ぶじ) No letter attached, the first melon delivered from home well tells that my parents are safe. |
文思 |
つく舟を見かけて着るや初袷(はつあわせ) Having seen the boat arrived, I put on my lined kimono for the first time this year. |
苑裘 |
莨火(たばこび)を借(か)りてなじむやゆふ涼(すず)み Sharing a cigarette light brings people closer together, while enjoying the cool evening air. |
風翠 |
水の音(おと)ばかり聞こえる茂(しげみ)かな The sound of water coming from within the bushes that all I can hear. |
積翠 |
馬にまで朝湯(あさゆ)させけり更衣(ころもがえ) The season for changing clothes, so sweaty that even the horses are given morning baths. |
左竜 |
行(い)きぬけになる境内(けいだい)や花御堂(はなみどう) You can walk through the temple grounds where a small chapel decorated with flowers for Buddha for the Kanbutsu Festival, and get out of the opposite side. |
玉精 |
葉はそよぎ花は動かぬ牡丹(ぼたん)かな The peony leaves sway in the breeze but the flowers are heavy and remain motionless. |
三千畝 |
閑古鳥(かんこどり)行々(ゆきゆき)すれば一在所(いちざいしょ) Walking through lonely areas, with the sounds of the cuckoo, I came to the inhabited countryside. |
雨桃 |
網(あみ)打(う)ちし肩(かた)を休める蚊遣(かやり)かな After catching fish with a net, we take a break to rest our shoulders, hoping that *the smoldering mosquito repellent will keep the mosquitoes away. (*Used by lighting herbs or pieces of wood and letting the smoke smolder.) |
立芳 |
出(で)ざかりの蚊(か)も寄り付かず磯(いそ)伝(づた)ひ If you walk along the beach, even the mosquitoes in peak season won't come near. |
卓丈 |
うの花や宵(よい)に影(かげ)置(お)く水の上(うえ) In the evening, Unohana (flowers of deutzia) cast their shadows on the water. |
龍子 |
明(あ)けやすき夜(よ)の間(ま)のわざや蜘(くも)の糸 How quickly the spider managed to spin a web of silk during the short night. |
文器 |
涼しさや藪(やぶ)の中(なか)洩(も)る水の音(おと) Feeling so cool, hearing the sound of water leaking from the bushes. |
空嗣 |
雨空(あまぞら)をまた見(み)直(なお)すやけしの花 The poppy flowers look as if they are once again looking up at the rainy sky. |
充魚 |
水鶏(くいな)鳴く夜(よ)や我(わ)が宿(やど)も旅(たび)ごころ As the water rail chirps at night, I too feel a sense of travelling loneliness at the inn. |
野馬 |
ひとつ蚊(か)を払(はら)ふに一夜(いちや)明(あ)かしけり Ending up spending the night chasing away a mosquito. |
淇字 |
かきつばた見せて田水(たみず)をもらひけり Showing some iris to others, sharing water for the rice field in turn. |
克字 |
唾(つば)をママ呑(の)みて虫(むし)にあせるや枝蛙(えだがえる) A frog on a branch appears to be swallowing its saliva, eyeing insects. |
格年 |
添(そ)ふて来た文(ふみ)までみせて新茶(しんちゃ)かな Not only showing off the new tea that was delivered, but also the letter that came with it. |
應叟 |
影(かげ)かくす木立(こだち)もなくてほととぎす The song of a cuckoo can be heard, even though there are no trees to hide. |
北山 |
一駆(ひとかけ)であまり本意(ほい)なしくらべ馬 After just one race, the horse competition was not what I had hoped for. |
素玉 (在京) |
根(ね)の水をしぼりて分ける早苗(さなえ)かな The water from the roots is squeezed out and separated, and the seedlings are moved from the nursery to the rice paddy. |
悠平 (在京) |
夜(よ)すがらのこぼれ松葉(まつば)や㡡(かや)の外(そと) Pine needles that have spilled overnight are outside the *Kaya. (Kaya: a curtain used to repel mosquitoes.) |
格壷 |
前文略 道々(みちみち)につい隙(ひま)いりて更衣(ころもがえ) Spending a lot of time on journey, and now we are in the season to change clothes. |
碩水 |