きのうにも 降るべきものを 春の雨 The spring rain I wish had fallen yesterday. |
84歳 |
鶯(うぐいす)や ほうとひと声 先(さき)ばらい The nightingale uttered a single "hoot" to herald the passage of a nobleman. |
83歳 |
自分出て 摘(つみ)たきものを 買う薺(なずな) Longing to gather from the field myself, ended up buying the shepherd's purse. |
82歳 |
かきつばた 誉(ほ)めていたれば 人(ひと)も来る As I admired the irises, others gathered around. |
82歳 |
五月雨(さみだれ)や すわりながらも 身のしめり During the early summer rains, I feel damp even when sitting indoors. |
83歳 |
花守(はなもり)も しらぬ日に来て はつ桜(さくら) On a day unknown even to the flower guard, the first cherry blossoms are admired. |
82歳 |
ほととぎす 鳴きぬ 寝よとの 鐘も鳴る The cuckoo sings and the bell tolls urging us to rest. | 79歳 |
(改 頁) | |
あまり日(ひ)の 永(なが)さに人(ひと)も 来(こ)ざりけり The days are too long, and no one has come to visit. |
73歳 |
山もまた かげ日南(ひなた)あり うめの花 The mountain, too, has both shadowed and sunlit spots, oh plum blossoms. |
76歳 |
念(ねん)いれて 水(みず)見ているや けさの秋 Contemplating as staring at the water on this autumn morning. |
71歳 |
時(とき)問(と)うて 人の通るや きじの声(こえ) A passerby maybe inquired about the time as pheasant’s call echoed. |
70歳 |
蕣(あさがお)や 誘(さそ)いにまわる 役羽織(やくばおり) The morning glories bloom, officials in haori coats beckon people to join them. |
71歳 |
黄鳥(うぐいす)は 聞古(ききふる)せども ほととぎす Though grown weary of the nightingale’s song, it seems the little cuckoo now takes up the melody. |
73歳 |
その匂(にお)い 人待(ひとまつ)さまや 茨(ばら)の花 The fragrance of wild roses, as if waiting for someone. |
75歳 |
とることを 知らぬ子にやる 蛍(ほたる)かな Given a firefly to a child who doesn’t know how to catch them. |
73歳 |
(改 頁) | |
明(あく)るにも 暮(くる)るにもただ 山わらう When dawn breaks or dusk descends, the spring mountains seem to smile. |
72歳 |
里(さと)の灯(ひ)の 遠くに見えて 鴨(かも)の声 The distant glow of village lights, accompanied by the sound of ducks. |
74歳 |
海を出て 海に入(い)りけり 夏の月 The summer moon rises from the sea and returns to it.. |
71歳 |
炭(すみ)の香(か)や 少し風(かぜ)ある 戸(と)のひびき The scent of charcoal mingles with the faint rustling of the door. |
75歳 |
草(くさ)のうえ 行(ゆ)くゆく ぬるむ 野水(のみず)かな As I walk across the grass, the wild water gradually becomes warmer. |
73歳 |
こんつめて ちさき望(のぞみ)や 椎(しい)拾い Patiently gathering sweet acorns, nurturing a tiny hope. |
75歳 |
すずしさや 座敷の客の いとまごい As the air grows cooler, the guests in the tatami room bid their farewells. |
71歳 |