閙(さわが)しう鳴(ない)て長居や 行々子(ぎょうぎょうし) |
碩水 |
發川(はつかわ)通る麦あきの舟 A noisy reed warbler chatted away for a long time; A boat was passing by on the gentle flowing Hatsukawa River in the early summer. |
苑裘 |
請(う)け売(う)りの酒もなくなる雨晴れて |
水 |
掻(か)き散らしては消(き)やす莨(たばこ)火 The sake purchased from the sake brewery is gone and the rain is over; Stirring and scattering the tobacco ashes to extinguish the fire. | 裘 |
頓(やが)て出る月をもまたず往(ゆ)く用意 |
水 |
鳥が渡りて隙(ひま)な役(やく)むき Preparing to go without waiting for the moon to be appearing soon; Being left with nothing to do after the migratory birds have departed. |
裘 |
しんとして本町筋の暮(くれ)の秋 | 水 |
The evening on Honmachi-suji is completely quiet in autumn; A small, blind person (called ko-zatou) is going from house to house asking offerings. | 裘 |
あれならと思ふた聟(むこ)に縁があり | 水 |
くらがり向いて箱の蓋(ふた)とる The man who impressed well is now the groom; Facing the darkness and opens the lid of the makeup box. |
裘 |
ふうわりと炬燵(こたつ)に懸(かけ)しさらふとん |
水 |
天気がわりの海鳴りがする Softly draped a new futon over the kotatsu; The ocean sounds signaling a change in the weather. |
裘 |
友達にわかれて戻る橋の月 |
水 |
今しばらくは扇子(せんす)置かれぬ After leaving a friend, saw the moon above the bridge: It is still hot and you cannot leave the sense (paper fan) for a while. |
裘 |
稽古(けいこ)にはつよい角力(すもう)の嘘にまけ |
水 |
講中(こうじゅう)だけは傘(かさ)貸(かせ)る也 A sumo wrestler, strong in practice, seems to have purposely lost a match; An umbrella can be borrowed by only the certain group members. |
裘 |
湖(みずうみ)で取れるさかなは花の料(りょう) |
水 |
茶にする枸杞(くこ)をなぐさみに摘(つ)む The fish caught in the lake is used for the payment for flowers; Being bored so picking goji berry leaves to make tea. |
裘 |
日のさして春の布子(ぬのこ)の着ぶくれる |
仝(裘) |
他処(よそ)へもつゝと皃(かお)の利(き)く兄 The frugal jacket padded with cotton becomes plump and bulging in the spring sunlight; Elder brother has a strong presence even in the other places. |
水 |
先々(さきざき)へ寝釈迦(ねしゃか)のお宿(やど)うけたがり |
裘 |
一本松の陰(かげ)の涼(すず)しき Hoping to stay at Neshaka Inn in the future; The shade of the lone pine tree is cool. |
水 |
いつぞやの恨(うら)み今更(いまさら)いへもせず |
裘 |
盛(さか)りの奥(おく)の痩(やせ)のもどらぬ It is too late now to confess the grudge held from some time ago; The wife in the prime of her life has lost weight and is still thin. |
水 |
霰酒(あられざけ)つくり覚へて造(つく)らるゝ |
裘 |
生け捕り(いけどり)にして逃がす大鼠(おおねずみ) Learned how to make sake with rice cake (called arare) and now someone else is making it; A big rat that you caught alive and let it go. |
水 |
形(なり)ふりを見ても木挽(こびき)としれる也 |
裘 |
渡(わた)しの銭(ぜに)をふせにしたかる You can tell from the way that the person is a woodcutter; He wants to make the ferry fee an offering to the Buddhist monk. |
水 |
飛虫(とびむし)の 中に虫鳴く 昼の月 |
裘 |
機具(はたぐ)あつめて仕舞(しま)ふ盆前 Among the small insects flying, the sounds of autumn insects can be heard; The weaving tools are put away before the Bon festival. |
水 |
九万疋(くまびき)を嘉例(かれい)のやうに呉(くる)る爺(じい) |
裘 |
かるい疱瘡(ほうそう)のはやる七浦(ななうら) The old man gives *mahi-mahi, as if it were *flounder; A mild case of smallpox is spreading in Nanaura. *mahi-mahi:a fish traditionally used as a celebratory gift. * flounder : a fish common to the citizens. |
水 |
雨気(あまけ)やらどんみりしたる鐘(かね)の声 |
裘 |
立ち回れども ささぬ春の蚊(か) Probably because it might start raining,the sound of the bells is heavy; Spring mosquitoes are flying around, but they don't bite. |
水 |
いながらに 数ある花の 見ゆる家 |
裘 |
あつらへ多き 内職の雛(ひな) It is a house where you can see a lot of flowers without leaving the house; The furnishings for the Hina dolls are many, which are made as a side job. |
水 |
(1) 閙しう鳴て長居や 行ゝ子 (閙しう鳴て長居や 行々子 ) 發川通る 麦阿き乃舟 (發川通る 麦あきの舟) 請売の酒もなく那る雨者れて (請売の酒もなくなる雨はれて) 掻ちらして盤 消や寸莨火 (掻きちらしては 消やす莨火) 頓て出る 月をもまた須往用意 (頓て出る 月をもまだず往用意 鳥可渡て 隙奈役むき (鳥が渡て 隙な訳むき) |
(2) 志んとして本町筋の 暮能秋 (しんとして本町筋の 暮の秋) 勧化たのんて まハる小坐頭 (勧化たのんで まはる小坐頭) 阿連奈らと 思ふた聟尓縁可安り (あれならと 思ふた聟に縁があり) くらかり向以て 箱の蓋と流 (くらがり向いて 箱の蓋とる) ふうわりと炬燵尓 懸しさらふとん (ふうわりと炬燵に 懸しさらふとん) 天気かハりの 海鳴可春る (天気がはりの 海鳴がする) 友達尓わ可れて戻る橋の月 (友達にわかれて戻る橋の月) 今志者らく盤 扇子置れぬ (今しばらくは 扇子置れぬ) |
(3) 稽古尓盤つ与い 角力乃嘘尓まけ (稽古にはつよい 角力の嘘にまけ) 講中たけハ 傘貸る也 (講中だけは 傘貸る也) 湖て取れるさ可奈ハ花能料 (湖で取れるさかなは花の料) 茶に春る枸杞を 奈くさミ尓摘 (茶にする枸杞を なぐさみに摘) 日のさして春能布子乃着ふくれる (日のさして春の布子の着ぶくれる) 他処へもつゝと 皃の利く兄 (他処へもつっと 皃の利く兄) 先々へ寝釈迦の お宿うけた可り (先々へ寝釈迦の お宿うけたがり) 一本松の 陰乃涼し支 (一本松の 陰の涼しき) |
常夏草(冒頭の文) |